|  | Artspace 304's monthly newsletter invites you to exhibitions & events, promotes open calls & funding for artists, and shares upcoming arts & cultural activities in Southern Illinois. |
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| | Exhibition closing Thursday, March 2 There's still time to view Montages and Memories: PhotoArt by Fern Logan at Artspace 304. The exhibition showcases the combination of disciplines like photo montage, drawing and digital photography into what Logan has named PhotoArt. Logan’s work explores themes of portraits and landscapes with ethereal, internal, and spiritual imagery, depicting worlds that blend fantasy and reality. Fern Logan, a Professor Emerita of Cinema and Photography at SIUC, has exhibited art in nationally in galleries including Smithsonian Institution, The Studio Museum in Harlem, Kenkeleba Gallery, New York and numerous private collections. Due to a scheduling change, the last day to view the exhibition Montages and Memories: PhotoArt by Fern Logan will be Thursday, March 2. Artspace 304 will be closed Friday, March 3 for a private event. |
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| | | | Nature, A Juried Exhibition Opens Friday, March 10 Artspace 304 presents Nature, a Juried Exhibition on view March 10 - April 14, to celebrate the beauty of Southern Illinois. The grand views of Inspiration Point, secluded sights of Little Grand Canyon, and seasonal beauty of rolling farm lands have been captured by regional artists for generations. Join us for the opening reception, on Friday, March 10 from 5-7 pm. Our juror, David Hammond, will determine Best in Show, Second Place, and Third Place, which will be announced at the reception. This juried show was open to all Southern Illinois artists who highlight the beauty of Southern Illinois in their work. We have 29 artists who submitted photography, painting, ceramics, textile and collage. Our participating artists are: Evelyn Aden, Eyde Arndell, Suzanne Asaturian, Eldon Benz, Janet G Bixler, Hilary Chandler, Liz Davidson, Anthony Deal, Carolyn Ferdinand, Teresa L Fouke, Joanna Gray, Kristin Jones, Marta Ketter, Meagan Majors, Marty Merrill, Don Mullison, John O'Connell, Darby Ortolano, Vickie J Parry, Trevor Reama, Robert Robbins, Jennifer Rollinson, Natalie Rotramel, Robert Samat, Marie Samuel, Lacie Schneider, Madeline Steimle, Katherine Suopys, Cody Tracy, and Mel Watkin. Our Juror, David Hammond, was born and raised in southern Illinois and lived in Goreville, IL for over 38 years with his wife and family of 2 sons, 3 grandchildren, and 7 great children. David is primarily a self-taught photographer and worked professionally for over 30 years. He started with weddings and portraiture before concentrating on his true love of nature and landscape photography. His primary portfolio of work is titled “Everyday Miracles”, which focuses on the beauty of the earth that our Lord has given and continues to give to us." To see more of David Hammond’s photography portfolio, visit www.davehammondphoto.com |
| New Exhibition at The Corridor Gallery Opens March 3 Suzanne Asaturian's photography exhibition opens at The Corridor Gallery Friday, March 3. The exhibition titled, Beautiful Southern Illinois in Every Season, features photographs that showcase Southern Illinois' diverse flora and fauna that change with the seasons, offering new experiences year round. Suzanne’s work captures the captivating views, from migrating birds in our flyway zone to fall colors on deciduous trees to rainfall cascading water over bluffs. The Corridor Gallery is located in the Carbondale Civic Center. Visitors can view the exhibition Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm. |
| | Upcoming Events at Artspace 304 |
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| | SIUC's Outside the Box March 26 Join us Sunday, March 26th at 7:30 pm for an SIU Outside the Box concert at Artspace 304. Featuring Eric Mandat and special guest Emily Rach Beisel, this concert will showcase new compositions and improvisations with adventurous, experimental sound and electronics. This concert is free and open to the public. Please park in the First Christian Church parking lot, located on W Monroe St and S University Ave. |
| | | 2023 Poetry Out Loud Regional Contest Results |
| The 2023 Poetry Out Loud Regional Contest for Southern Illinois took place Friday, February 10 at Artspace 304. Winner, Leo Dunahee (11th grade) from Nashville Community High School and Runner Up, Rebecca Drake (12th grade) from Massac County High School will represent Southern Illinois at the State Contest in Springfield on Monday, March 13 at 10:00 am. The contest is open to the public at the LRS Theatre at the Hoogland Center for the Arts, 420 South Sixth Street, Springfield, IL. Poetry Out Loud is a national poetry recitation competition that encourages the study and writing of poetry, helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about literary history. Poetry Out Loud is presented by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation. |
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| Southern Arts Fund 2023 Applications are Open |
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| Southern Arts Fund (SAF) encourages arts programming and education by distributing grants to artists and community organizations throughout Southern Illinois. Individual artists, nonprofits, governmental organizations, and educational institutions are invited to submit project proposals that demonstrate a strong public service or community outreach component. Submit your proposal by March 31, 2023. Visit the link below for more information on SAF and how to apply. |
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| | | A notice of schedule change |
| | | Artspace 304 304 W Walnut St | Carbondale, Illinois 62901 (618) 457-5100 | info@artspace304.org |
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